Writing, strategy and design for donor communications

The Audit Squad

when your comms don’t make good-to-great money


Do you wonder… ?

“Are these expensive, time-consuming donor communications we pump out really all that good? I know they look okay. But could they maybe make a lot more money ... and inspire donors to care far more?”

Here’s our answer:

A frank, detailed, research-based (and surprisingly delightful) audit by some of the world’s most effective donor comms’ experts: The Case Writers.

Donor communications audits

In truth...

Many (maybe most) donor communications are built to fail or do the bare minimum ... but not to succeed at record levels.

Even communications produced by seasoned fundraisers, established charities, and well-regarded outside consultants are riddled with hidden and (worse!) unsuspected flaws.

A confidential Case Writers audit measures your donor communications against more than two dozen tested criteria, ranging from ...

  • the visual (“Is it highly skimmable? Does it pass the ‘first few seconds’ test?”) to the psychological (“Is it happy enough? Sad enough?”)

  • to applied neuroscience (“Does it flatter the donor sufficiently? Does it take into account a half-dozen crucial identity factors?”)

  • to approachability/authenticity (“Is it warm or cold? Does it pass the ‘you’ test?”).


Most important...

A Case Writers audit doesn’t just tell you what’s wrong ... since that would be merely half an audit and really not worth your investment. A Case Writers audit tells you EXACTLY how to fix the problems we find.

Cost & testimonials...

Audits generally run in the $3–20K price range. It’s an investment that pays for itself quickly and many times over, clients find.

Below are some recent testimonials about what can happen when you hire members of The Case Writers to audit the effectiveness of your donor communications.


 Recent audit clients

Children’s Health Foundation
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra
Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat
House of Friendship
Junior Achievement*
Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford
Lollypop Farm
Mennonite Central Committee
Merry-go-Round Children’s Charity
Niagara Health Foundation

National Council of Canadian Muslims
Native Plant Trust
Outcare Foundation
Swedish Medical Center Foundation
University of South Australia
UMASS Memorial Medical Center
Volunteers of America*
William Osler Health System Foundation
World Hope

*including training